Tuesday 27 December 2016

"Jake Johnston - "I'll See You On The Other Side of Bliss" Released

Tonight on Jake's Showcase https://youtube.com/JakesShowcase I have just released "Jake Johnston  - "I'll See You On The Other Side of Bliss" https://youtu.be/_iXRg40Xbm4 currently at 41 Views 9 Likes 0 Dislikes. It was one shot or one take or one cut with spotlight overhead and natural lighting.
As a first cut first take music video you get it all. You get the rawness, the heat, the passion, the real true miscues and while I love to rework songs five to fifteen times and do my process of elimination as previously discussed I really felt here I poured it all out to where my hands seized up and after listening to it on video I saw and heard the mistakes that could be corrected but also saw that the passion of the singing was so real it would difficult to remake.
There is a real sick bass lick that makes this song that has been ringing again and again in my head. I tried to learn the bass lick on my own and with some instruction and in fact thought to maybe only go with the lick as the music and maybe intermix it with the guitar but I'm not a bassist and I could not grasp it fast enough even though it is a simple yet powerful and repetitive lick.
This is my darkest song. Here people can really dive into me. Raw pure passion. The wild childs dark sided goths will love it. Let's make it cult like. For us who really know.
I did this song in red, even though recently I've honed to to black. Black clothing, black shoes, black coats, black hats, black everything. Black is hot and sexy and red is it's opposite counter part.
You know red, black, red is black, black is red. Those wild and furry philosophical ones will understand. There's something to my dressing in red singing with passion, about passion and yet loving black, black clothing, dark songs, those of us also in straight black that I call to, a mistake?? Of course not. They get it.
What is this song about. Now lets not be so dim.
Thinking of you, lovers,
Have a Wonderful Day or Night Fans,
Jake Johnston jakesshowcase@gmail.com

1 comment:

  1. Red is black, and black is red, and red black is black red, and so on and so forth. I get it. So deep. It's only a matter of time before you strike dirt, or pay dirt, or just dirt.


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