Sunday 15 May 2016

"Oh Now You Like Me?!? No Way Baby!!" Released

This morning on Jake's Showcase I have just released "Oh Now You Like Me?!? No Way Baby!!" currently at 5 Views 0 Likes 0 Dislikes. It was one take single frame with one of the two spotlights lamps on and a normal lamp.
This is a very rare Sunday morning upload, thought about letting it go last night but with the nature of the Saturday partying crowd I thought the previous may be more enjoyed for a touch longer.
Many times I have mentioned that I have lots of video energy and that I could almost do a video a day, maybe too and this week with three uploads you are starting to see that me going from inspired to video to upload is not that big a deal...I've got the ideas but hardly the time.
There was absolutely no need to do a video because of channel performance. The channel was on fire pretty much as it has been all week since this Wednesday's attempted trip to Toronto video.
If I wanted to just let it sit the numbers were going to be high today again....this is all proportionate to my small channel size and to my small marginal per day channel volume view I could have waited. But the truth is that I want to get more out and I have a few still here and really I want to get back to production.
But why produce more videos if the ones you've already produced I can't get them out fast see my logic.
I don't know if two, three, four videos a week will become the norm or not, I only promise one...but it wouldn't be far flung to think that I can do at least two. This is also the nature of having a surprise factor to my channel. If I'm to regular and predictable it's boring, if I'm too all over the map it is not really all that interesting. I like the fact that it's good to check back on Jake's Showcase throughout the week to see what I've done or not done. Hmmmm, a Sunday morning upload....who would have thunk it!
Anyway, temps slowly warming and I'm dying to get outside....shower shave and out time for me.
Love me,
Have a Wonderful Day and Night Fans,
Jake Johnston

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