Sunday 8 May 2016

Changing Values Continue

Tonight on Jake's Showcase my video "Jake Johnston -  "Only Heaven Could Send" is at 532 Views 36 Likes 40 Dislikes.
It was Mother's Day today and it was quite the day. True, the channel and video have been down this week for week over week performance, but with this particular video the meaning was more important to me then any performance numbers. I know the song is good, how well it performs or what the ratio of likes to dislikes doesn't matter because I know it's good.
There are many things more important then numbers and money.
I've changed my paths recently boobing and weaving here and there throughout the week. My cousin visited this past weekend from California, he lives in San Diego originally from Philly. I'm jealous of him. I wish I lived there.
But again, this week I was in touch with family like 3 or 4 times, hangouts, chill outs conversations, I'm at heart a real family man I'm learning. If I'm in San Diego I'd be missing that.
Remember this is all coming from the havocs of the drunken life in my past. I took a once strong family life and tore it to shreds, of course not intentionally it's just the results of what happens when your the worst drunk in the country. So as I've sobered up it's taken a long time to get all this back, more and more every day. And the more I get it back the more I appreciate it and enjoy it.
Sure I still screw up plenty, but not as much and not as bad and slowly but surely have been gaining respect not just from my family but from the outside world. So I stay because I have a new set of values.
I need to pick up the pace and the long run plan in the job hunt. Surely it's hard enough to get another minor job but I seem to do so every year around now so this year should be the same. But longer term an actual long term solution, I'm thinking social work. The only real type of work that seems to bring me meaning is helping people. I may not have a lot of physical strength or ability but I have the ability to be there when people need it, and just move just the right way in how they need help. The key is listening with your ears and watching with your eyes, Hear what people say but look and observe what you see....what's really going on. People can say this but you see something else. How can you really help them. I'm pretty good that way and hope to pursue this type of work or help for the future.
And the showcase? Yeah of course it has to go on. Almost as a point for those who believe in me, the down unders, the hard trodden, the hard done by's. I do it for them....and for me of course....I love it.
Darling I know your there. I hope the twinkle is in your heart tonight. You know how to find me.
Love me,
Have a Wonderful Day or Night Fans,
Jake Johnston

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