Thursday 24 March 2016

The Three Phases....of Today

 Tonight on Jake's Showcase my video "Jake Johnston -  "It's a Cloudy, Cloudy Spring" is at 397 Views 42 Likes 6 Dislikes.
So I was kinda really bored today, I mean, not like bored, well yes. I guess that I went through like three full phases today. Basically I made a decision on how I was going to approach the future of the channel, then I kinda got sick of doing my daily walk....not helped much by me getting caught in a rainstorm and I didn't bring an umbrella making me tot totally soaked, chipping away and getting my place looking pretty good.
You see right now I've got to get ready, set the table if you will and I worked on that. Shave, hair, clothes, clean room, laundry done....I call it preparing the kings chambers.
I like to be at point that at a moments notice I'm ready to go.
To answer the first part here we go. So I plan on getting a job and continuing to do a video a week. Simple as that.
It's the best balance. I need a job, to make money to just support my very basic living needs and I need to keep making videos to let me have a creative outlet. The plan is to stay put, although New York or LA sounds great, I want it to be with class, I want them to call and pay for me to come. I don't want to be flubbing around, if I'm going to be flubbing around, I'm best off to be flubbing around here.
I've sort of bounced down to reality. You never know maybe I will be a movie or rock or tv star someday but really, it's a low chance doing what I'm doing hoping to get picked up by a major record label or movie studio because of YouTube videos.
The walk, the malls, yes I did do them today but I guess because I do it so often, the shock effect has been lost or seriously dampened when people see me, it's not a big deal and I'm not seeing the big upticks in my channel video volume growth I use to....there use to it's no news and it's not effective.
I use to see an almost immediate spike in video volume with one walk or one mall lunch, let alone two like today, no more.
Still no crazy girls after me just yet. No stalkers, no aggressive obsessed sex crazed women hunting me down so to least not that I'm aware of.
Don't know, but I have a certain way....I think this type would sort of get me and do that...they just need me, want me, desperately.
So phase one, decision, phase to bored of walk, phase three prepare the king's chambers. Ready for guests.
Love Me,
Have a Wonderful Day or Night Fans,
Jake Johnston

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