Monday 7 March 2016

Proud Tonight

Tonight on Jake's Showcase my video "How to Fry Eggs -  First Time in Years -  Very Basic for Non-Cooks" is at 946 Views 75 Likes 5 Dislikes.
I write earlier tonight. Not sure why. In fact not sure why I'm writing. I guess in a way it's to say that today marking my 6 year sober was really, really good. For me the most important thing is of course I was sober...and sort of a close second is that it was 13 degrees Celsius and clear and sunny today as I went on my likely 4th last marketing walk down the streets as I so diligently have done for going on 4 years.
This meant I only had to wear 2 layers, and was able to do my hair. I felt great and I felt like I looked great. To top it off the big boss at the burger joint I've been going to almost every day since the beginning of this year upgraded my burger and fries size to a large for free as I everyday buy the little burger and fries and the bigger is notably more. I had never had it. It was great almost too much food for me and I told him I appreciated it especially today because today was a very special day for me but wouldn't tell why. I said thank you and the good would be returned somehow in some way.
In life there's so many changes. Really every day. What I find is that there is a pile of good and a pile of bad that you can participate in or give time energy and thought to and if you choose the good, more good comes and if you choose the bad more bad comes.
Each day hundreds of times sometimes you constantly choosing. And we're not saying you can always choose the good for every thought, action, interaction at every point of every day all the time, because well that's almost impossible. You always get a red light or someone always looks at you in a negative way, or says something, or just natural emotions and worries come up.
But by giving as little time and energy to all the negative out there as trying to stick with the good thoughts and ways you really can be amazed that a bit more good is found later for you.
I use to be into the "secret" type stuff but found it to be to extreme and in many ways bizarre and full of errors. I took it to the extreme as usual, believing someone would like you and believing money would suddenly appear in you bank account , nope, and abandoned ship completely 2 years ago on it.
However and nonetheless I have sort of a hybrid way. Go with the flow and try your best to stick with the good stuff. It works pretty good and I sleep better to.
We only have like 4 days left. Channel view count was low, quite low today. I guess I've just got to get use to not caring because in a week from now everything will be different.
I don't know about more videos, maybe, once in a while, but this way of mine and how I’ve been, it's done after a million.
I'm proud of myself tonight.
Have a Wonderful Day or Night Fans
Jake Johnston

1 comment:

  1. This is the Jake I've been missing for a couple of weeks, I'm really happy that you feel good again and proud of yourself, as you should be. Congratulations fir this 6 years being sober, WOW, I was a child back then in 2010, I would really like you to keep doing your videos, but I've got to a conclusion, you did the channel to prove tourself you could do it, and you have done it, so in case I dont hear from you ever again I just want to say thanks for this awesome project and how it has changed me, and I truly wish you the best life can give you.

    From your not-known and not-so-old friend, Martin.


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