Sunday 27 March 2016

Music...Both Explosive and Draggy at the same time

Tonight on Jake's Showcase my video "Jake Johnston -  "It's a Cloudy, Cloudy Spring" is at 682 Views 49 Likes 7 Dislikes.
With this low of view count proportional to what's been my norm for a Sunday you'd think I'd be maybe a touch upset, but I'm not. This whole week the channel has been down about 10-15% on a day to day basis from the week before but big picture I'm trying not to really care.
Today was Easter Sunday and it was a real nice family day with me and 6 of the 7 of us kids and boyfriends, husbands and nieces and nephews. From brunch to dinner and the hundreds of dishes in between, I did the lunch dishes which took 2 hours, and all the cool conversations here and there it was quite fun. I'm full and to top it off it was a beautiful spring day, sun out and temperatures at 16 Celsius, a huge change in the weather, just for that one day of course. Every Easter God seems to make the weather nice, it's unusual. Back to cold and clouds again tomorrow no doubt as a storm rolls in as I write. But nice weather on Easter is a special touch.
I'm stuck in a bit of a pickle as on the one hand I've got a short range game plan for the channel but it means that I've got to hold two videos I've got ready.
As you know I"m such a view count junkie when I see fading numbers and I have a video ready I'm tempted to let loose.
While I love music that bing, pop, pizazz of you never know where or when effect of the surprise video upload is somewhat lost as the slow growth of a music video almost ensures I have to let the video run a whole week to get it close to respectable view count numbers.
In one way music is the most explosive as music video are the most viewed on Youtube but they are also the most draggy as when you put one out you just have to wait and wait and wait. Well, we'll see. The truth is that I'll never get a number 1 hit without making music videos but I really kinda love the other type, it gives more freedom and diversity in style and format.
Looking hard for a job this week as the money situation is looking rough again. Hoping for some good news soon. A decent job will give me a base of money so I can just do these videos on the side....until I hit it huge of course.
A rich famous how cool is that as a goal....oh yeah.....that women love.
Have a Wonderful Day or Night Fans,
Jake Johnston 

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