Sunday 24 January 2016

3000 Subscribers Acheived on YouTube and The End?

Tonight on Jake's Showcase my video "Snow White Reveals Her Dark Secrets, Funny" is currently at 365 Views 28 Likes 4 Dislikes. While in the past 365 views in 2 days would be cause of celebration, of more recent past I have been achieving over 500 views with a two day upload so proportionately a disappointment.
So the main reason for the surprise post is that the channel surpassed 3000 subscribers today currently at 3002. A large milestone for some. As I've mentioned many times I take little stock in how many subscribers to me I'm unconcerned, my total focus is on views for the channel as a whole.
Nonetheless 3000 subscribers is a very big landmark. You see, I don't cheat in any way shape or form on YouTube and hence all of my subscribers are legit. I don't buy subscribers or do what is called sub for sub or subscriber for subscriber. You subscribe to my channel and as a returned favor I'll subscribe to your channel and it will look like we both have more subscribers. Nonsense.
These practices is or was very common on YouTube and I think it shows absolutely nothing in regards to talent or interest being raised to the point to where someone actually wants to stay tuned to you and is interested in following your videos and progress. I highly recommend to all future YouTubers and artists of almost any nature, do not participate in these activities. As Micheal Jordan says "let your game do your talking". And a quote I've mentioned before "When your the best player in the world the world comes to your door."
Well no knocking yet but I'm still working away convinced more then ever that they will come knocking.
Both those with commercial interest and those with getting it on in their mind.
But I'm not there yet. I haven't arrived. It just means I have to keep working away. Keep thinking, keep dreaming keep feeling the vibe. Chip, chip, chip.
Few could argue with the display I've show thus far of toughness, tenacity and honor and production that I will not achieve my 1 Million view count mark on YouTube. Social blade has this date now at March 23, 2016 currently at 924,452.
I still dream about you darling. As recently as last night. You stood me up for a date while other fine specimens vied for my attention, yet I errently dismissed them. My father was with me at the Paris Coffee shop placed in the 1930's outside on a sidewalk at a table in front of the cafe. I was waiting for you. My father said, "what are you doing, go for them, look they all want you" as I brooded, waiting.
As I awoke I thought to myself he's right.
Allow the love in. Plus...I could use some action.
Anyway I have struggled the past few days making videos and restocking my inventory and hope to start again tomorrow. Of course ready now but always staying a or a couple videos a head.
Will I stop at a million and move both physically....from Canada and move on mentally....from YouTube.
I don't know. I recently started doubting it. Simply because, short of a perpetual challenge money wise what is really wrong with my life...not much. If I had enough just to live, would I just stay and keep going?
Remember, we always have enough, because Man can sleep outside and can eat in Garbage dumpsters push come to shove. There's always enough.
Have a Wonderful Day or Night Fans,
Jake Johnston

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