Tuesday 10 November 2015

Jake Johnston - "The Pretty Girls Store" Released

Tonight on Jake's Showcase http://youtube.com/JakesShowcase I have just released "Jake Johnston  - "The Pretty Girls Store" https://youtu.be/GzBeh3JZT_o currently at 7 Views 2 Likes 0 Dislikes. It was the 4th of 6 full takes with spotlight and overhead lighting.
You'll notice I write and post much closer to midnight tonight as this week I have been working 10-6:30 training for the upgraded department at work. My schedule will revert to the normal 4:30-1am next week. Well the last video I only got 319 Views with 14 Likes and 30 dislikes with Jake Johnston - "Loving You From Far Far Away" First Cut https://youtu.be/eCCDk_bFfT8 and some might think well the lowered view count and the almost double dislike to like would dissuade me but, no of course not, I'm Jake! Furthermore it's not a real metric this week as 24 of those dislikes came within a 5 minute span at about 1 am on Friday, second by second the dislikes rolled in and I'm convinced it's from one person just throwing on multiple dislikes so it's meaningless as a gauge. One dislike is all you should get. Log in play, dislike, log in, play dislike, really does anything at all warrant this focus of negativity. Even if it was a couple people I really can't be bothered. Keep rhyming and writing, cause somebody's gotta paid the pied piper and I can't get by on my 9-5. Thanks Em for the encouragement.
I hope I meet Eminem someday, and I hope he digs and respects me, not just me as a fan.
Anyway the wheels came off the bus this week. Like almost literally as my car broke down on Thursday night just as I got home for my "weekend". All weekend I had to secure a mechanic, a car to get to work and what the hell I was going to do because remember I live in a different city from where I work. If I don't have a car that job is done.
Somehow I got a car, got the car dead from my parking lot to the mechanics shop and got to work. It cost $350 almost half my 2 week paycheck which means the next 10 days will be very, very rough. Remember I'm a hardcore smoker and they cost like 12-20 a day and food, well, maybe it's fast for 10 days. Remember, just one day at a time. I've been through the worst of the worst situations money wise and I always know I pull out of it. Hundreds of soup kitchen meals. So I know how to scrape eat nothing, anything to get them smokes still flowing. Hardcore 10 days a head.
I wonder if I should just get another job. There is no reason I shouldn't be able to afford to pay for a relatively minor car repair with ease. I'm too smart, too good, to well educated and experienced. It's amazing I cant' get a higher paying job. But actions speak louder then words and when I got home tonight saying to myself, I've got to start looking again, I was to tired and didn't look. So here I sit.
The love situation is looking up as I'm relaxing more and more each day, I feel my vibe has eased and I don't feel so tense. I'm open to it and I feel like it's open to me to. I feel like the time is very rapidly coming likely within the week. We'll see.
Have a Wonderful Day or Night Fans,
Jake Johnston jakesshowcase@gmail.com

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