Tuesday 20 October 2015

"Jake Johnston - "I Never Seen A Good Thing A Gun Did" Released

Tonight on Jake's Showcase http://youtube.com/JakesShowcase I have just released "Jake Johnston -  "I Never Seen A Good Thing A Gun Did" https://youtu.be/qJ7Qh_Re_RM currently at 42 Views 3 Likes 0 Dislikes. This was the 4th of 6 takes and was the second done with a pick. I like the twang of the pick better, it makes the music jump.
Look at that no dislike off the top....how...interesting, could you like it, could you like me, hmmm, I think so.
So back with more music after yet another sub 400 views in a week for the previous music video, another failure. But trust me I see the declining view counts overall and am standing pat but why. Well first of all trust me I have a YouTube plan and strategy all in place and I know exactly what I'm going to do and when.
What many may not realize with the lowered viewership numbers, first they still are rising not to bad each day and it's really pretty steady overall with the introduction of the music videos I have seen my female viewership rise from 5% to 12.9% worldwide with the Netherlands topping out my female viewership at over 40% and in Canada it is now over 28% of views coming from this country. It's all numbers, as hundreds and thousands of women, see me, learn about me, feel my vibe, in this country and around the world, it's the right ones that will come and come with passion. I have a particular interest in India and Norway.
So I'm getting a lot more female eyes with music. And it's all in the numbers. While Canada ranks a distant 3rd in Worldwide view count for me behind the USA and UK it's nice to see me grabbing the attention of so many female eyes with my music songs.
I'm not looking for the ones that don't like me. I'm not out to change those who don't like me to those who do like me, that's essentially impossible, although, that would be a nice bonus. I'm looking for the ones that do like me. The ones who really like me, who think, holy shit that guys awesome, amazing.
This song has a tone, a different tone, definitely different then my love songs and variations which I know worldwide is the way to go. Still potent call to action songs are key components of  any musicians, really any artist at some point. "Time to get rid of em all".
And how or why you dear are so obsessed with me, lover, that's you reading right now. You are reading me because you love me. That's why you've been reading me all along. You just need to hear me, read me, be with me.
My deal with the devil continues, and that deal is this. As long as I allow for my gifts of speaking and selling to be massively exploited by the company I work for I can eat my sandwich, smoke my cigarettes and drink my coffee and pay my rent without asking for money until I achieve my one million views channel wide currently projected for May 30, 2016. I however, with my plan estimate that that threshold will occur mid April. I have sold over $700,000 in 4 months thus far, while earning just over minimum wage per hour...that’s capitalistic exploitation 101 if I ever saw it. So that's  the deal with the devil.
Again at that point I plan on moving back to the Untied States and actually make a life for myself.
I don't fit here, never have, never will. I'm an American. Beyond that, I free thinking American. Beyond that, I'm a free thinking American that very firmly believes in himself, to the point of very little comparison.
And oh yes, if the wheels come off the bus and that plan to just keep steady until that time gets interruped somehow have no doubt I will not leave this city until I achieve 1 million views or die. After that I shall never likely return...except maybe Christmas to kiss Mom and Dad.
God I hate this and God, I love you.
Have a Wonderful Day or Night Fans,
Jake Johnston jakesshowcase@gmail.com

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