Friday 28 November 2014

"The Realities of Being A Solo YouTuber" Released

This afternoon on Jake's Showcase I have just released "The Realities of Being A Solo YouTuber" currently at 0 Views 1 Like 0 Dislike. It was single shot with only natural lighting.
I wanted to give a behind the scenes look and feel at what being a aspiring YouTuber was like. How it took so much work and clearing stuff around in order to just get enough space in my tiny apartment to shoot just one video.
Its a real heart to heart. The true blue look at the mess, disorganization, haphazardness, that comes as you try to squeezed just enough space to make a video look real. But this is it.
For anyone who wants to be on YouTube they will be glad to know what the upstart phases are really like. It's no miracle, its no fun ride it truly is a make it all your own.
Like I said here I wasn't even sure it I should put this up. Sure you sort of want to have a certain allure if you will...but that's not reality....reality is reality and that's a missing link that I think comes through here.
In many of my videos I cut from hip, say it like it is, show it like it is. We have a sensationalized world that is oh so attractive and always bombarding us with how things are.
A breath of fresh air maybe? What's it really like? This is what it's really like.
You move all your stuff to the edge of your room, you move your camera into just the right angle to appear like you have a proper set when in fact you don't.
Hey it's just me, doing what I'm good at, showing and talking about life the way it is.
Have A Wonderful Day or Night Fans,
Jake Johnston

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