Sunday 30 November 2014

"How and Why To Do Your Laundry" Released

Tonight on Jake's Showcase I have just released "How and Why To Do Your Laundry" currently at 1 view 3 Likes 0 Dislikes. It was done with 2 shots with natural lighting.
This video is a natural sort of progress from the previous video. Yes it's important to do your laundry. Making sure you smell and are clean is an important part of looking and feeling good. I explain how it's best to separate your whites and your colors and use hot with the whites and cold with the colors. The key trick is to make sure you dissolve your soap quick.
You've have to have sharp eyes to notice that this video is shot in a different location then my apartment. In fact this may be the only non aparment video on this channel thus far.
Even if your not that well off to do your laundry in your own machines other people have machines you can use. Use them.
That's right, having as fresh of laundry done as possible does take time but it's well worth it.
The value in this video is not so much in the laundering, or the laundry tips, rather the encouragement that despite your situation you still can make it happen. The smallest, easiest, free-est things we can do to improve ourselves are within our control. I believe the right approach to life is to take advantage of those opportunities that we can do and hope for others to follow.
You can't solve it all....right away....anyway most of the time but you can do what you can do to make your or at least my life better.
Have A Wonderful Day or Night Fans,
Jake Johnston

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