Tuesday 18 April 2017

"The Most Interesting Art on My Walls" Released

Tonight on Jake's Showcase https://youtube.com/JakesShowcase I have just released "The Most Interesting Art on My Walls" https://youtu.be/G7wDdntNZ4k currently at 31 Views 4 Likes 3 Dislikes. It was single shot or take with all natural lighting.
While some may see this as a ho, hum video of mine it really is not. I had a choice of two videos this week and went with this one taken last Friday. Why is this not really all that ho hum?
Well first if you think about it this is actually some pretty nice works I think. Second if you think further these are the pictures I'm surrounded with on a day to day basis and am affected by.
While me myself am not a typical paint and canvas, sketcher, wood carver or photographer I do have appreciation for these more classic artists and like it when I'm able to look at nice pictures.
All have been given to me, sheer gifts over time. While I do think art is valuable, invaluable really, I am not one to buy art, truthfully I can't. But I'll gladly take pieces I enjoy that others may not want and put them up.
And of course you had to see it coming that my favorite piece is the sun at the end....how classic Jake. Hey you've gotta have a hook. Anyway they're all quite nice. Many may see the put together collage as being the weakest but if you look closer it's a series of really great pictures put together and who it's from is just as important.
So you get to see here a starving artist appreciate others art and I thought it was a good time to address the guitar on the toilet questing and wise I did it off the top....must have been confusing for some. Yep, it's for moisture. Don't want to warp it again, And this seems to keep it working good.
Interestingly with the guitar included I do include music as art on my walls because it is art too.....just not exactly what'd you'd expect.
So much is changing for me almost on a day to day basis sometimes intraday I don't even know where to begin to catch you up on that happenings in my life.
Just know it continues to be a mighty struggle. The artist fighting to find legitimacy and his place in the world. Where do you fit when you don't fit?
Darling, sugar spice and everything nice, we both know it's the artist mission to be true. True to the art, true to the passion. Cast off the doubters and naysayers and keep climbing through the jungles for we know it is Utopia that is ahead and that is what we move towards.
Let love be the guiding light to show us the way. Let the King and Queen take the throne of Utopia.
Love me,
Have a Wonderful Day or Night Fans,
Jake Johnston jakesshowcase@gmail.com

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