Saturday 26 November 2016

Thoughts on A Dreary Saturday

Tonight on Jake's Showcase my video "The Stripped Down Challenge  - The Real Me" is at 11,687 Views 997 Likes 24 Dislikes.
Well, just so you know the boom and bang of the recent weeks is over. What I mean is that the channel has slowed back down markedly. A few weeks back when I received that note from Adsense saying I had got over 1 million impressions I saw a huge spike in views for 2-3 weeks where many days my videos were seen over 100,000 times a day. Now it's like a 10th of that slowing every day further.
At the peak on Socialblade I was ranked in the 39,000's or the top 40,000 Youtubers now it's declined where I'm ranked 81,081th. It was so weird, I was like ranked 750,000th and then it shot up and up until I was in the top 40,000 and now back down. It must be all viewership based.
Oh well, it was fun. Maybe there will be a spike again someday. In the meantime I've got to just keep doing what I've been doing with regular uploads, comments and comment replies here and there some social media stuff, just everything the same. Really I'm not going to change, it's not like I have a new shtick or anything.
Someday maybe I'll have like my own show, with real tv cameras, makeup, sets, guests, fellow actors or actresses. I'd love a girl actress, could do so much. But to be honest, I think I'd have to be involved with them, or soon to be because I'm just
Today was so dreary of a Saturday, rainy flickering to snow, cold, nothing going on, grey, no doubt the ugly winter season has come again in London. Unfortunately it's earlier this year which means a long, long winter. Last year it didn't snow until January this year it already has.
I wanted to go out today and hopefully find a date but it was just too cold and I stuck to my car.
In the past it was so, so important to walk every day up and down the main city street to generate views to my channel and I'm sure it still has some effect but I'm growing no matter what and I'm well past my original goals so it's not imperative and I don't have that psycho need to keep pushing for 'the walk" no matter the weather. Rather nowadays the warm creature comforts of my heated wind protected car seem like the best choice.
Yesterday was a huge, huge day as I worked 7am-9pm and I was exhausted but proud of successfully working at things I had previously struggled with. My back and shoulder pain has for the most part gone away which makes me so, so happy and frees my mind and lets it float again.
So while the Saturday was dreary and no I did not run into a date and my channel was down I feel happy tonight. The success at work, the growth overall of my channel, the healing of my back has made me feel very good.
Love is but a moment away and my love darling is for you.
Love me,
Have a Wonderful Day or Night Fans,
Jake Johnston

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