Tuesday 12 January 2016

"No Name Cookie Comparison and Cheap Treat Invention!" Released

Tonight on Jake's Showcase http://youtube.com/JakesShowcase I have just released "No Name Cookie Comparison and Cheap Treat Invention!" https://youtu.be/rYKShBnas0g currently at 6 Views 4 Likes 0 Dislikes. It was 1 shot with spotlight lighting. I felt like a fun little one, thought it up and went for it, let's see how it does.
Sooooo, the absolutely huge news is that I quit my job yesterday. On Sunday I drove into work and it was the first day that the snow really hit in Canada. I have to drive 45 minutes most of which is on long unmaintained country roads and I was terrified. The whiteout conditions, icy roads and upcoming traffic was too much. When I got to work the supervisor on duty told me to go home as there was a break in the snow squalls and it was daylight. I normally go home at 1am.
The next day, yesterday I phoned and quit. I could not safely and reliably get to and from work from where I live in London to St. Thomas in my little car. Not to mention I'm a terribly anxious driver anyways, I consider myself a poor driver, nervous driver with all my experience within a city, those cold Canadian country roads is a whole different ball game and before I even got to work on Sunday I knew it was over.
Remember I was hurt once in relation to work and I was not willing to risk my life any longer with this additional strain.
So I've nestled into my hibernation trying to stay as close to warmth as I can as the temperatures reach -17 and it snows outside as I speak, piling, piling, piling. Nope, can't do it.
Last night at 2am when I would have been returning home I looked out the window and my entire city street was covered in new fallen snow, these are salted streets, I can't imagine how bad the two semi highways were that led to my job.
One thing people don't know is out in the country because there is no wind barrier the wind picks the snow up off the field and blows it sideways creating a virtual white out even if it's not snowing. Deadly with oncoming traffic.
So I guess my snow driving tolerance is exactly 0, it is in contrast to my near perfect attendance otherwise. My job wanted to keep me, and I had planned on staying there until April 6 2016 when it was predicted to surpass a million views on the channel. It would have made things easier, simpler.
So now you'll see me back to my pattern. I'll have to try to get another job locally or something. Really I just want money, I hate jobs.
In many ways in a recent video "getting more control over my time" came true a lot faster then I expected and in an unexpected way. However I think the week off let my brain dream and relax enough to get back to normal and while I was willing to do the job the systematic institutionalization and profiteering of my personality for a poppers wage, I wasn't loosing much. Something but not much.
Because I have so many video and free time now I think I may make a push starting now to publish these videos out one by one so I can make some new stuff and pop this channel over the million much faster then April 6. Could be as rapidly as 5 videos a week. Of course I could change my mind tonight and just do one a week but I want to make more, fresher, newer but the videos made are no good just sitting here waiting. Some channels do do 3-5 a week so it's not unheard of and really when I started I would just shoot, and upload with no consideration of time and this was my funnest time on YouTube.
Also now I'll have more time for love. Hopefully we get to have some private time, or some public time leading to private time. Of course I'll be looking for love and lovers. Who shall it be, shall it be you?
Fun and Easy, that's what I want, and oh yes, the drinks are on me at my place of course.
Have a Wonderful Day or Night Fans,
Jake Johnston jakeshowcase@gmail.com

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