Tuesday 7 March 2017

"Nature Before Work - How I Reflect" Released

Tonight on Jake's Showcase https://youtube.com/JakesShowcase I have just released "Nature Before Work - How I Reflect" https://youtu.be/nSoyPrPq9f0 currently at 143 Views 24 Likes 2 Dislikes. I believe it was 9 frames but not quite sure with lamp and all natural lighting.
The weather gave a chance to get outdoors and so outdoors I went. While many around here claim the virtues of how "mild" or "warm" or "easy" this winter has been due to my job standing outside it has been as wretched of a winter as I can ever remember. I truly do not belong in the cold Canadian winter.
Here was a break in the snow and ice and of course I'm heading to water of some sort. Water takes that relaxation level to new heights and I almost always will seek it out given the chance.
Here it was just quite warm enough to voluntarily walk outside and actually hang by the river but usually I would just sit in my car and look at it from the heated interior.
I think the fan mail showing bits and pieces was a nice touch as people who sent me in stuff may recognize the items they sent and feel a connection and it did fit right in with the reflection part of my video. Reflect on my channel, my life, my job, the future, relationships, past relationships, possible future relationships, rekindled relationships, nature.
Watching nature and how birds, squirrels, geese, chipmunks, dogs, ducks, fish, insects and herons interact teaches me much. Like look how they choose food resources, partners, what are fights like, what are make ups like....nature tells all. And it's funny these animals just do it and know what to do and know what's going on and us humans seem to get so confused about how to do these things and just be human.
Like mind games.....do geese or dogs or squirrels have these, no. But people do. No posturing, no toying, no fake love in nature. Animals do not love for money.
It's strange how we confuse ourselves....almost intentionally an get away from nature and it's these times when I spend time quite just watching I see....yes I see....how it really is....how it really works.
Nature is got it all figured out.....I'm just the one who doesn't....so I continue to watch and learn how from my great teacher....mother nature.
Love me,
Have A Wonderful Day or Night Fans,
Jake Johnston jakesshowcase@gmail.com  

1 comment:

  1. That's really interesting Jake. I don't have any wilderness areas nearby my place so I often sit, enjoy a cigarette or two, and reflect outside on my patio in my undies on hot summer days. At night of course ;)


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