Sunday 28 February 2016

Sunday Choices - What to Do With My Life?

Tonight on Jake's Showcase my video "How to Find Yourself -  Look At Your Kid Picture" is at 982 Views 57 Likes 0 Dislikes.
Not bad, Actually good as this video is poised to be the 4th in a row of a video surpassing 1000 views on it's first week. Wow, that's great actually.
The channel has been slower the last two days and somewhat slow today as well as for the past few weeks I've elected to go just with the one video a week. When I was putting one up on Wed and Friday or Saturday it gave the channel sort of a double "pop" and in the weeks that I didn't the anticipation of possibly another video release worked well. But now at over a month of just one a week the excitement is off, or really reduced, so really it's to be expected.
Now at only 13 days remaining still estimated to be March 11 2016 to surpass a million, I'm sort of just coasting. Maybe being lazy?
Well, I've had some other things to deal with in getting my money situation straightened out and applying for jobs and until today it was really cold and that always dampens my spirits.
Plus really each of the last few videos are sort of kinda "really cool" deep if you will and I like that sort of to sink into the viewers mindframe, give it as much exposure as possible. So in this case the lower overall channel volume is worth it. Think big picture, it's almost a done deal, just keep steady.
Now I'm really starting to struggle with what to do next. Should I move?
I got basically like two choices. You move or you don't. Now of course where you move to is key.
Many people are pushing me to move. My Dad wants me to go to Toronto, I've never liked Toronto, the fake New York in my mind. But I have some family there and my best friend or friends live there too.
I was suppose to go today for a visit but because Friday I realized I need to get some official paperwork taken care of or figured out I didn't.
Funnily I have avoided even a trip to Toronto in almost a year, it's too loud too expensive and I had some very intense fights and there and some of my most notorious drinking memories were there. Plus I think a lot of Toronto is smoke and mirrors. Sure, you make more but when you factor everything in from rent down to the price of bread or a cup of coffee, your broke again and easy. And there's no forgiveness on the cold hard streets of Toronto.
I don't know how to explain to Dad I've actually don't want to go to Toronto, I won't even take a trip there, if I can avoid it, how am I going to move there. Still it is "the thing to do" in Canada so we'll see, maybe.
Now what about my original plan the USA. That's more attractive from a personal experience of better money and better weather. But it's far for those I love the most.
Here in London, I know what that's all about. Get a job that gets you by just....and that's it....maybe if you can get one, or rather if I can get one. But.....I have base here of some sort however frayed and I know the city better then just about anyone.
But what if... once I pass a million views yes my intensity, marketing walk and focus on YouTube will no longer be this robotic pattern as I branch out with so many more ventures....but I could maybe still independently an quietly keep working my little craft here.
There's a lot of babes here after all, prices are cheap, I know the town, I think I'm going to have some money soon once I get working again, I'm planning to get a job that supports me fully and more, maybe two. You know even the ones who have written me off, which is so many, some that know me and some that just look at me and recognize me, maybe they'd give me another look. Hey that guys pretty cool after all.
Geez, maybe he is pretty dope.
And darling I know you still read me, I see you checking. In fact that's why I write tonight. I know you want to hear from me, however far you are. And yes, it would be nice to be with you at the moment. But only when your heart can no longer be without me. It's hard to find someone as deep smart creative honest loyal and cute as me, isn't it? I guess that's why they call it true love. So get doing what you need to do to come over.
So no decisions tonight.....just showing the framework I'm dealing with.
Have a Wonderful Day or Night Fans,
Jake Johnston

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